Nem tudom mikor érek a sok fotó szerkesztésének, válogatásának végére...ezért arra jutottam, hogy témánként fogok postolni, és mi is lehetne az első, ha nem a shopping? :)
Röviden annyit, hogy kint nagyon jól lehet vásárolni - főleg Bangkokban. Minden nagyon olcsó amiből még simán lehet alkudni, szóval nem lehet megállni ;-) Így alakult, hogy például vettem vagy 20 karkötőt.
Ruhákban is nagyon jókat lehet beszerezni: vannak az utcai árusok, ilyesmit még sehol sem láttam, mint itt, hogy nyitott "butikokban" lehet vásárolni. Szinte minden nyaraló ezekből öltözködik kint, mert nagyon kényelmesek, lengék és természetes anyagokból vannak, amik a kinti hőségben nagyon is kényelmesek.
A másik típus a plázák: na itt van ebből dögivel, mi csak egyet néztünk meg, mert a 2 és fél napból így is fél napot ott töltöttünk. Már itthon lecsekkoltam, melyikbe érdemes elmenni ;-) Mikor láttam, hogy egy bizonyos plázában van Gap és Uniqlo akkor eldőlt a dolog, oda megyünk! Kicsit döcögve indult, mert 2-3 taxi söfőrt is megkérdeztünk,de nem akartak elvinni! Kicsit kezdtem megijedni..hogy ennyire messze lenne?? De végül csak 15 perc volt kb. kocsival...szóval nem értem mi volt ez a hiszti :)
A plázában szinte csak külföldiek voltak, hevenyészve, szóval nem volt tolongás, tömeg szinte egyedül voltunk. Pár fotó és a zsákmányok...vegyesen Thaiföldről.
English translation below!
I'm not sure when I'm going to make it to the end of the photo editings, so I decided to make theme posts - and what else could be the first theme if not shopping? Right.
Briefly, you can do really great shoppings in Thailand, especially in Bangkok. Everything is quite cheap and you can still bargain :) It happened eg.: that I ended up with almost 20 bracelets :)
Clothes are also really great there the city's old part has several open air boutiques which sg I haven't seen before. All the turists dress from these shops since the designs are very cozy, cool, with natural materials...good things you need in a heat like that.
The other shopping source are the malls: ahhh...there are lot of malls in Bangkok but we visited only one. (yes...we had only 2 and half days, so it was just enough) I checked in advance which malls are the bests and when I saw that one of them has GAP and UNIQLO it was decided. It started a bit weird we asked more texi drivers and they refused to drive us...I was afraid this mall might be out of town or sg...but finally one driver drove us and it was like 15 what the fuss!?
The mall was quite empty - I mean no crowed only some tourists so it was really comfortable :) And now the new goodies, enjoy!
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bracelets/karkötők |
strand rucik/beach dresses |
Ezeket nem csak strandra de esti városi kiruccanáshoz is be fogom vetni.
I won't wear them only for the beach but for city-nights-out as well.
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DA+PP blúz és farmer short/ Blouse and shorts from DA+PP |
Ez egy új thai márka, nagyon profi minőség és kb. Zara ár. Maga a bolt desingja is nagyon igényes.
Van FB oldaluk is, csekkoljátok!
This is a new fashion line in Thailand, very high quality on Zara-prices. The shop itself has great design. They are on FB, check them out!
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GAP sexy boyfriend jeans, Uniqlo shirts |
Végre van szupi boyfriend farmerom:) A Uniqlo pamut pólói pedig szuperek:
az anyaguk nagyon természetes és minőségi.
At last I have cool boyfriend jeans :) The shirts from Uniqlo are really super.:
the mariels are natural and high quality.
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Boka láncok/Ankle chains |
Briefly, you can do really great shoppings in Thailand, especially in Bangkok. Everything is quite cheap and you can still bargain :) It happened eg.: that I ended up with almost 20 bracelets :)
Clothes are also really great there the city's old part has several open air boutiques which sg I haven't seen before. All the turists dress from these shops since the designs are very cozy, cool, with natural materials...good things you need in a heat like that.
The other shopping source are the malls: ahhh...there are lot of malls in Bangkok but we visited only one. (yes...we had only 2 and half days, so it was just enough) I checked in advance which malls are the bests and when I saw that one of them has GAP and UNIQLO it was decided. It started a bit weird we asked more texi drivers and they refused to drive us...I was afraid this mall might be out of town or sg...but finally one driver drove us and it was like 15 what the fuss!?
The mall was quite empty - I mean no crowed only some tourists so it was really comfortable :) And now the new goodies, enjoy!